Hale & Hush Quiet Wash 6.2 oz

Hale & Hush Quiet Wash 6.2 oz



A cleanser that does much more than clean, the Quiet Wash gently showers skin with an expert blend of botanical extracts that combat the inflammation, irritation, itchiness, and redness common to reactive, sensitive skin and exacerbated by environmental toxins. Quiet Wash leaves skin clean, comfortable and calmly receptive to successive products for excellent sensitivity correction



• Calms inflammation and redness and leaves skin feeling fresh

• Gently fortifies cells and supports barrier function

• Properly cleanses and hydrates while guarding skin from environmental toxins

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Cleanse the skin daily by applying Quiet Wash with water to lather in gentle circular motions as often as desired. Rinse well and

gently pat skin dry.